Ultimately the enthusiasm of the new Club´s members and Rolf Sachs natural charisma won over the Olympia Bob Run and Monobob found a place on the official sporting calendar. On January 8th 2010 the “first Monobob race on earth”, the Sachs Getty Night challenge took place, generously sponsored by Joseph Getty and Rolf Sachs, and won by Marc Fischer.
As racing evolved and riders became more experienced, some design flaws in the original prototype came to light. The front runners were too long and prone to stick in the ice wall, causing unusual risks for Bob and rider alike. A new design, with front runners shortened by 7 cm was introduced and the safety record since has been excellent.
A further big step forward occurred in 2010 when the first Monobob School was established with fifteen beginners. By the end of the season the Club had thirty three members.
On 18th February 2011 Fritz Burkard organised the first Cresta/Monobob competition (‘one man two brides’ and the ‘double top ‘). The trophy was a huge Asprey’s silver wedding cake.
Club rules were instigated and validated in February 2011, by which time the Club had grown to 52 members. This growth continued apace and the IMBC had 64 registered members by the end of the 2012 season.
As more riders with different backgrounds and skill levels acquired a taste for the joys of Monobob, Hansjörg Hosch came up with the idea of introducing a handicap race, and on the 11th February 2012 the first President’s Cup was held.
A suitable trophy was required, and Rolf Sachs selected a lovely but lonely old silver bowl out of his Dracula collection (engraved by Fleetwood Wilson 1897). It was placed on a new wooden socket and engraved with the names of the winners. However, five years later, in the winter of 2017, Stephen Bartley, the honourable archivist of the Cresta, found the original wooden socket with silver engravings which had belonged to the Fleetwood bowl and they were reunited. Since then, a 1903 silver bowl has replaced the venerable Fleetwood as first prize for the President’s race.